Common wisdom is that faith brings healing. Yet, selflessly giving of ourselves to heal others can breed faith in itself. Not only does Jesus know this, he shows it, too.

Cape Town, South Africa
Common wisdom is that faith brings healing. Yet, selflessly giving of ourselves to heal others can breed faith in itself. Not only does Jesus know this, he shows it, too.
On the eve of Palm Sunday, the correlations between Julius Malema and Pontius Pilate are startling.
It says something remarkable about how little politics has actually changed. It also says something remarkable about how little civil action must change.
When good things happen to us, is it because we deserve it? When bad things happen to us, is it because we deserve it? Do you get what you deserve?
Hi, My name is Alan, and I’m addicted to a way of life that kills…
What are you addicted to?
We struggle to change because we cannot change without actually changing. How then do we cope with changing, especially when we know we need to? The vid expresses a thought or two on how to go about tackling the problem.
(The second part of a two-part series. It’s important you watch part 1 before this part.) Herein we conclude the dangers of attributing any event that happens in our world as God’s will,
Where does God fit into experiences where ‘fortune’ saves some, and misfortune ‘harms’ others?
Our society attaches numbers to their numerical value. In a time gone by, numbers also had deep symbolic value. The number – or ‘symbol’ – 40 is of great importance in the bible. It’s the amount of days that make up lent, and it also happens to be the period in weeks that a mother goes through pregnancy. Surely this is not a coincidence. Or is it?
In the bible, we are tasked to be holy. Yet, what is it to be holy? We explore this question, and the counter intuitive things it demands of us.
Is your measure of success amassing money as quickly as possible so you can retire young and live an idle life, you fool?