On 1 November 2012 – All Saints Day – we officially launched our coffee shop h e a v e n as well as planted a food garden behind the railings on the Longmarket Street side of the sanctuary. Challenging perceptions of heaven, providing food for the most vulnerable and encouraging anyone with an empty “space in-between” to use this to grow food to share, especially with the hungry, are what inspired this project. Stephen Lamb of Touching the Earth Lightly™ helped us create a little heaven on earth by assisting us with the planning and final implementation of the garden. Ultimately it was God’s word in Leviticus 19: 9-10 that convinced us to plant a garden and use all the profits from h e a v e n to support those in need.
Below is a vimeo – simply click on the link to watch it. Newspaper and magazine articles featuring the launch (as well as subsequent articles) are also attached – click on the name of the publication to access the article.
https://vimeo.com/53501620 | CapeTowner 25 October 2012 | CapeTowner 1 November 2012 | City Views November 2012 | Cape Argus 5 November 2012 | Visi 2013 | Cape Town Central Improvement District | SABI Magazine Article August – September 2013 | Home & Tuis Urban Garden Supplement September 2013