We offer a variety of services, some on special occasions, and others regularly.
Sunday Worship
Each Sunday at 10:00 the community gathers for worship.
At the back of the church, enclosed by clear glass, is a space for parents/caregivers with babies and toddlers where they can comfortably participate in worship and listen to the sermon while taking care of their young ones.
The Candle for Peace, Hope and Justice is lit each Sunday as a protest against evil, trusting in the promise that darkness will never overcome the Light. The barbed wire surrounding the candle symbolises the suffering and oppression in the world, while the candle testifies to Jesus, the Light of the world.
After each service we offer prayer (including the anointing with oil) to those in need. We also share in a cup of tea or coffee and fellowship on the second Sunday of each month.
Sunday School
Children aged between 4 and 18 years meet for Sunday School during the service. The children also participate in worship from time to time by welcoming people at the door, praying the prayer for peace, hope and justice as well as reading the scriptures.
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