A literal interpretation of Abraham’s near sacrifice of his son Isaac.
Category: Videos
Everyone is a Believer
The question we should ask is not: “Do you believe?” but rather “What do you believe and does it bring LIFE?”
Say NO to the Secrecy Bill
South Africa’s amazing constitution was written from the perspective of protecting the vulnerable but sadly the proposed Protection of Information Bill betrays our constitution in that it is written from the perspective of protecting the privileged. Lean more about it from at the Rights To Know website.
CMM Restoration (Progress)
We’ve made significant progress since we began restoring CMM. This vid looks at the progress we have made so far.
Embedded in this post is our before video, too, so you can see, side-by-side, just how much we’ve managed to achieve.
Continue reading “CMM Restoration (Progress)”
The Most Intimate Have the Most Questions About Jesus
Why asking many questions of Jesus is a greater sign of knowing Jesus intimately, then merely ‘believing’ you’ve figured him out.
St. Paul’s Engagement With People of Another Faith
What St. Paul can teach us of engaging with people with faiths different from our own
When a Chapter Breaks in Scripture, Break the Storyline (Part 2)
On reading scripture with your feet wet, and a second example of how reading a chapter in isolation from those that precede it can be dangerous.
Be sure to catch part 1 over here if you missed it previously
When the Chapter Breaks in Scripture, Break the Storyline (Part 1)
Reflections on Jesus’s saying that there are many rooms in my Father’s house, and how a break in scripture can mistakenly break a narrative.
Feeding the Hungry With the Gift of Consistency
The greatest gift CMM gives to the hungry when it feeds them has little to do with their stomachs… It’s that we show up. Consistently.
Pentecost: Return to Jerusalem
Why, in Acts Chp 1, did Jesus tell his disciples to return to Jerusalem, the place which held the greatest fear and represented the greatest pain for them? The very same reasons he would tell us to return to our ‘own’ Jerusalem.