Why we are called to do the often thankless work of re-routing the traffic of society and life.
Tag: just a thought
A different interpretation on the story of the Virgin Mary.

God did not send Jesus to die
…God sent Jesus to love

Goats & Donkeys & Seals
Who holds you accountable and accountable as you programme your homing device to a life in Christ?

What made you think you deserved more?
How taking more than you deserve affects everyone around you, especially your family.

Jesus’ approach to conflict resolution
When dealing with conflict, fight or flight are not the only options — in fact, they are the worst ways to approach resolving the underlying issue. We look at Jesus’ four-step solution to conflict resolution.

The Rise of Resistance
How and where does resistance rise in the face of oppression?

The Progression of Oppression
How a dangerous mix of fear, ignorance, arrogance and prejudice fuel oppression, and how that oppression progresses over time.

Romans 8, a great album
Much like a great song, scripture has several disparate ‘hit singles’. However, finding an album with a string of great songs, none of which you skip, is a rarity. Romans Chp. 8 is one such case.

Jesus’ Resume of John the Baptiser
How John The Baptiser’s way of life earned him a resume reference from Jesus himself, even in a time when John was questioning Jesus.