Choose Life (part 2)

This is the second of a four part look into the concept of Choosing Life. It is well advised you watch last week’s video before this one.

We use a method of textual analysis to see what different pieces of scripture mean by looking at them through different guises. Last week we ask the question: ‘What does the text say about human beings’? This week we ask the question ‘what do we learn about God from reading the text’?

Saved from Fear

Our lives are ruled by fear. If you live South Africa, the high walls are symbolic of the fear of what lives outside. Jobs we deplore that have good benefits are symbolic of our fear of not having security.

Yet, when we look beyond the walls of our homes, and embrace our neighbours and strangers, something beautiful happens. When we quit high paying occupations to pursue financially risky activities that bring us to life, something beautiful happens. We love those around us, and we love who we become.

And so, if we want to be saved, and we want to be loved, why are we slaves of our fears?

Just a Thought No. 5

Blessed are the Poor

An indisputable fact of life is our experiences dictate our perceptions. And while most wish for wealth, health and prosperity, is there a risk that we’re missing the world the poor, ill and suffering are seeing?

Blessed are the poor is absurd at surface level, but is it really absurd when we burrow deeper? – Motheo

The Hebrew Liberation Out of Egypt

If you have not seen Just a Thought No. 3 yet, it’s well worth watching before you watch this one for some additional – albeit unnecessary – context.

Watching the Egyptian revolution unfold has been captivating. And I use the word ‘captivating’ as responsibly as one can with such heavy matters.

How is it in a time where people thought most sophisticated governments were too secure to be threatened can an entire nation rise up this unexpectedly and at this rapid rate?

Unrelated, but equally captivating, is where this domino piece falls into what looks like 2011’s 1989.

To make an even older connection, what (if anything) do Egyptian people of today have in common with the Hebrews who were freed from this very land some 3000? I’d venture the connection, and Alan’s interpretation, may surprise you. -Motheo


Repent is a very uncomfortable word. More so than the word, it is a very uncomfortable act. Why uncomfortable? Well, in the context it is often used in, especially biblical terms, it seems to presuppose that we want to change, where often we may not. It also has an undercurrent of ‘having to change’ even if we don’t want to.

Would it surprise you to learn that repentance is a far more hopeful term than it is an uncomfortable one?

The Salvation Equation

Aha! We’re already on episode 2 of our ‘Not a Sermon… Just a Thought’ video series. This one speaks to the ‘Salvation Equation’, perhaps one of the strongest themes in all religions, not just Christianity. What does it take to be ‘saved’? People agonise over this question all day, individually, in church, and in community.

Grace + Faith = Salvation

We’ve come to believe grace and faith are the key components in the salvation equation. Would it perturb you to learn that the predominant teachings of faith are not what Jesus taught. Or, to take an even stronger position, they’re not even what Jesus expects? That’s what we tackle in this episode. I hope you find it engaging, and we would love to hear your thoughts on it.

Not a Sermon… Just a thought

We’re very excited to bring you the very first of hopefully many videos in our new video series, entitled ‘Not a Sermon… Just a thought’. We’ll be doing one a week at least – every Tuesday – and on some weeks, we will release a second video on Thursdays. This first week is a ‘special week’ in that we have a double header, but don’t hold us to over achieving just yet. Remember, we’re taking a slow walk here, friends.


This first video will serve as an introduction so you have a good sense of where we’re trying to go, and how we’d love to see you getting involved. We encourage commenting, and any feedback given will hugely appreciated. Furthermore if you have ideas for topics you’d like to see covered, please feel free to share in the comments section to. This is a communal project, and we hope you, the community, gets involved. Enjoy