February, 09 2020 Alan Storey: Jesus: The Preacher, The Prophet
[Isaiah 58:1-12; Matthew 5:13-20]
February, 02 2020 Guest Preacher: Rev. Dr. Peter Storey:
Being a broken open church.
[Micah 6:1-8; Mark 2:1-14]
On Tuesday the High Court reserved judgement until the 17th February in the matter of the City of Cape Town and Refugees.
So we all continue to wait. Please refer to my previous update on how we are called to wait – with eyes and hearts open.
The situation remains desperate. There is a precarious mix of vulnerability and violence.
On Wednesday 29th January in the evening, stun grenades were once again used to separate the two factions of refugees who were fighting. This volatility makes interventions potentially problematic.
As a Church we continue to consult and explore our options to find a peaceful way forward.
Thank you for your love and concern.