Sunday, 18 October 2009

Dear Friends,         



Last Sunday evening I watched a documentary-type movie called Earth.  It is beautifully, beautifully filmed. 

Capturing both creation and creature in all its creative wonder.  The movie covers the seasons of a year, pausing to highlight specific species on the way.  It was amazing to be reminded about how each tiny aspect of creature and creation are inter-connected to each other. 

If there is the slightest change seasonal flow there are immense knock-on affects all the way through the creation chain.


The overall aim of the movie, as I understood it, is to overwhelm us with such a sense of gratitude for the wonder of LIFE that we urgently begin to work against the rapid destruction of life on this planet.  For the first time it struck me that it is not about saving the planet per se, but saving life on the planet!  This in fact is the single biggest difference between our planet and every other planet that we know of, namely that on our planet there is life. 


Jesus came to give Life and therefore as followers of Jesus this should be our single most pressing purpose—to protect and promote life.  Life in every shape or form.  If this is true then the real question we should be asking ourselves at CMM is, “how can we be a LIFE-giving community?” 

Another way of asking this question is, “who or what would die if we were to pack up and leave town?”  The answer to this latter question should help us to realize how LIFE-giving we actually are. 

Towards LIFE!  Alan