Dear Friends
I am not sure about you, but I am still living with the rich symbolism of the movie that many of us watched just over a week ago: called AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. The day after the movie a number of us gathered to reflect on the message of the film with specific relevance for us at CMM. I asked those present if the movie contained any “miracles” for them—and if so what they were. I was surprised to hear just how many miracles were mentioned and very struck by the type of miracles that were mentioned. Here are some of them:
· Each person found their own unique voice…
· The fear that prevented them from really living was broken…
· There was no longer any finger pointing…
· There was no longer any name calling…
· People began to challenge the unfair status quo…
· The choir grew in confidence to sing on their own…
· Set free to say “the three words: I love you.”
Wow, what a list of miracles! But hang-on they sound so ordinary—yes but if you have seen the movie you will agree—they really are miracles and when added together with each other they literally transform the earth as it is in heaven! I hope you have a miraculous week!
Grace, Alan