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I hope you have been reading and enjoying the set Psalm for the week.
In Psalm 107 there is a recurring refrain that penetrates to the very heart of the Good News—that “the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever”. The psalmist describes a number of desperate situations of struggle and hardship—of people living in desert wastelands, thirsty and hungry and of others living in darkness, gloom and in chains and still others who were sick and emotionally afflicted not to mention the poor, needy and oppressed. In other words the psalmist just about covers all forms of tragedy in our lives—yet the psalmist does not crumple in despair.
The psalmist goes toe to toe against each tragedy with the Lord’s steadfast love. Love that hears and responds to our cry and transforms each tragedy into a testimony. download Cry Freedom dvd
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May God grow in us the faith of the psalmist enabling the refrain of our lives to be a steadfast trust in the loyalty of God’s love. Alan
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