Dear Friends,
A special welcome to Rev Dr Keith and Carol Garner. Keith and Carol are attending the 3rd Lausanne Conference on World Evangelization being hosted in Cape Town at the moment. Keith will be sharing the Good News with us this morning. Keith is originally from Bolton in the UK, yet at the moment his ministry is located at the Wesley Mission in Sydney Australia. Thank you Keith!
Breaking news: Next year CMM’s weekend away will be on the 16th-18th September!! By then your stiffness will surely have eased and you will be ready to enjoy another wildly fun and meaningful time!
The time away was truly wonder-full. The beginning of new friendships and the deepening of relationships was so joyfully evident. There was a clear appreciation for how the programme was punctuated with “prayer practice”. We had seven opportunities to gather as a group for 30 minutes of silent prayer. We practiced the Examen Prayer (a prayer of self-examination) and Lectio Divina (a way of prayerfully reflecting on a Scripture passage—which we did as a community on the Sunday for a group sermon).
The division of our day, by prayerful silence, was so life-giving. To the extent that we have decided on a number of different times where we, as a community, may gather together for prayer practice. I will make these opportunities known to you soon so that we can all be part of it.
With thanks, Alan.