Sunday 10th October 2010

Dear Friends,                                                                                                     


A special welcome to Roger Florist.  Roger is from Kensington        Methodist Church and he will be sharing the Good News this morning.   Thank you Roger!


The reason why there are so many empty pews this Sunday is because most of the CMM congregation is in Simon’s Town.  We have been   enjoying a weekend away.  The hope is that we will return celebrating new friendships and a deeper sense of connection with one another. Please pray for us.  We promise to show photos next week.



I came across the following prayer this past week—as I try and live with it, I invite you to do the same…


Jesus our joy, when we realize that you love us,

something in us is soothed and even transformed.

We ask you: what do you want from me?

And by the Holy Spirit you reply:

Let nothing trouble you, I am praying in you, dare to give your life.


Grace Alan