Sunday, 12 April 2009

Dear Friends,       
Welcome to everyone who is visiting CMM for the first time today.  Be at home!

It is my prayer that as we celebrate the Raised Jesus among us we will experience with fresh faith the power of God to raise even us from the dead to new and abundant life.  For is it not true that many of us live in tombs?  Tombs of despair, bitterness, cynicism, jealousy, selfishness, pride, fear, prejudice….  Tombs that we are unable to free ourselves from.  Tombs that need God to roll the stone away.  May God reach us with rescue—with resurrection rescue today! 

How? You ask.  Well Sydney Carter writes in a poem: “No revolution will come in time to alter [a] person’s life except the one surprise of being loved.”  Resurrection rescue happens when we are surprised by being loved.  Loved fully by one who knows us completely.  So hear the good news—you are precious beyond measure, beautiful beyond description, chosen and claimed by the One who knit you together in love, by love and for love.  You are forever celebrated and enjoyed by God—the God who comes to save and not condemn—the God who has forgiven you in advance—the God who has rolled the stone away that you may have new life.  Now go and surprise others with this same love.  Alan

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