Sunday, 1 March 2009

Dear Friends


Today is the first Sunday in LENT.  LENT is the period of 40 days (excluding Sundays) that precedes Easter.  It is a time of repentance which is a religious word for the re-orientating and redirecting of our lives.  Turning from a life of self-service that ultimately leads to death for ourselves and the world, to a life of humbly serving God by following Jesus that ultimately leads to LIFE for ourselves and the world.


If you have a copy of the Lectionary readings (these set weekly scriptures readings are available at the back of the Sanctuary) you will notice that the Old Testament lessons all have something to do with Covenant.  Over the next five Sundays in LENT we will be going on the journey from Covenant to Calvary.  To this end I want to invite you to enter into Covenant with someone in order to gently watch over one another in love. Designing Woman ipod


How?  By finding someone we trust to hold us accountable on a daily or weekly basis to one (or more) area/s of our walk with Jesus.  For example: daily prayer, weekly worship, truthful speech, gentleness, silence, hospitality, generosity, compassion, justice, scripture study, a particular relationship etc. with the hope that as we are helped to keep faithful to Covenant we will not forsake Jesus en route to Calvary.


Peace to you and through you,  Alan