Press Statement: State Capture Crucifies

PRESS STATEMENT                                                                                                    14-04-2022

State Capture Crucifies

On Good Friday the Central Methodist Mission in Cape Town will raise this Yellow Banner on its steeple.

It reads:

We raise this banner on Good Friday to highlight the crucifying consequences of State capture. The people involved in State capture not only have dirty hands. They have blood on their hands. They are guilty of theft and the deaths that ensue from their theft. State capture makes a handful of people obscenely rich at the cost of making millions of people excruciatingly poorer. Among these are the vulnerable poor who die from all manner of lack. There are many ways to kill someone. Stealing money that was intended to provide life-giving services is one way. It is often a tortuously ‘slow’ death and those responsible are seldom caught, let alone convicted, for it is difficult to find their fingerprints at the scene, but we want them to know that like Pilate of old, no amount of hand washing will remove the blood stains from their hands. As the prophet Jeremiah says: “The acted shamefully, yet were not ashamed, they did not know how to blush…Therefore they shall fall.” [Jeremiah 6:15].

We say blessed are the whistle-blowers who risk their lives to tell the truth. These whistle-blowers are the real freedom fighters of our day. We grieve for the whistle-blowers who have been killed while knowing that a bullet cannot kill the truth they have spoken.

A WARNING from history to those who continue to live in shameless denial of their State capture crimes: the truth has a strange and powerful way of resurrecting.

Contact person: Alan Storey

The Yellow Banner will be raised at 11:30 on Friday 15th April.