Begin again slowly

Last week during Synod we joined people across the globe wearing black as a personal and public protest against gender-based violence and discrimination. Together we stand in solidarity with victims of violence and discrimination, demanding a fairer world for all.
Join in every Thursday.


Well I am about to get on my bicycle — literally speaking — as I begin my 3-month sabbatical. I will be back on 1 September which is “Spring Day” as well as the 17th anniversary of my ordination. It will be a great day to begin again…

You will know that my e-mail address is: ASlowWalk@… this encapsulates my desire more than my reality. During sabbatical I hope to live into it more fully and faithfully with slow walks and slow rides. The gift of slowness is to be present in the moment. It is to welcome ‘what-is’ without needing a ‘what-will-be’. In slowness interruptions cease to be interruptions — instead they are the holy moments of rich encounter that they really are.

This past week a person arrived unexpectedly in my office. I was so busy with my agenda that I nearly missed out on what he came to share with me. All he wanted to do was to sing me a song … The beautiful melody of life is playing all the time but only those who do not rush around hear it.

Simon and Garfunkel sung about it years ago… “Slow down you move too fast, you got to make the moment last…” I know you don’t have three months sabbatical but I do invite you to slow down and to do something deliberately slowly.

I would also like to encourage you to join a Warm Winter Worship group. Find the home group nearest to you and connect with others on Wednesday evenings over supper during June, July and August. When we gather we trust that we will meet God in the connections we have with each other, remembering that: everyone is wonder-full. Everyone has something wonder-full to share.

I feel that I am entitled to my share of lightheartedness and there is nothing wrong with enjoying one’s self simply, like a boy. ~ Leo Tolstoy in response to criticism for learning to ride a bicycle at age 67.

The bicycle is a curious vehicle. Its passenger is its engine. ~ John Howard

Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I have hope for the human race. ~ H.G. Wells

When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realized that the Lord doesn’t work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me. ~ Emo Philips 🙂


Below follows four resolutions passed at the 2013 Synod which will be go before Conference later this year:

Four of the 2013 Synod Resolutions

The Synod of the Cape of Good Hope District calls on Conference to [1] support the Palestinian Kairos Document’s call for divestment of Israel to end the occupation by Israel in Palestine [2] to instruct all Circuits and Societies within the MCSA to ensure that if taking part in “Holy Land tours” that the arrangements include realistic engagement with the Palestinian community.

The Cape of Good Hope District reaffirms the decision of the MCSA that “ministers do not assist people to gain firearm licenses” and that “all Methodist Property are to be Gun Free Zones”.

The Synod of the Cape of Good Hope District notes with horror the continued violence against gay and lesbian people because of their sexual orientation. The Synod calls on all members and leaders within the District to speak out against this specific form of violence whenever it occurs, so as not to give the false impression that the Christian faith in any way condones such acts.

The Synod of the Cape of Good Hope District requests Conference to determine whether the position of Chaplain of any political party is a “party political post and compromises the necessary independence of the church in its witness to the Gospel in society.”

Grace, Alan