
Mission Statement

Central Methodist Mission is a City Church committed to Jesus Christ. We have been called out of division into community and seek to bring wholeness to each other and the world.

Vision Statement

1.     We will be an authentic Christian community:

  • that reflects the values of the Kin-dom of God
  • that contradicts divisions within our society

2.     We will be a welcoming community where we can feel free to work through our struggles and issues without judgment or manipulation

3.     We will encourage people to become followers of Jesus Christ by providing:

  • space to ask questions and struggle for answers
  • opportunities to learn more about the Christian faith
  • a supportive environment in which to live out the Christian faith


4.     We will actively seek God’s call on our lives and equip each other to live out this call in the church and the world

5.     We will provide pastoral care for each other and particularly for those with special needs

6.     We will continue to challenge social structures and values which cause injustice and suffering and we will seek to bring healing through a commitment to servanthood in our daily lives

7.     We will actively reach out to the wider community in order to introduce people to a relationship with Jesus and the family of God