Dear Friends,
A special welcome to Rev Terry Moult who is leading the service of worship this morning. Terry is a retired Methodist Minister now living in Milnerton. Thank you Terry for being with us this morning.
Two thoughts from last week that I encourage you to journey with a little longer: First, please trust that Jesus’ presence among us is not dependent on our clarity of understanding or even our belief in him, but rather on his simple delight to be with us and his deep desire to facilitate healing in and through us. And this is joyfully true for all people everywhere.
Second, I quoted Douglas John Hall saying: “All things considered it is not suffering itself but our incapacity for suffering that is dangerous to our health.” In other words it is not suffering that destroys us but rather it is our fear and evasion of suffering that do that. How? In our desire to evade suffering we all to often sacrifice the truth. This helps entrench the wrongs of our life that ultimately return to threaten our livelihood and that of the world. The disciples escaped pierced hands and feet but their conscience as well as social justice ended up in shreds.
In these inauguration days may God raise up new leaders with humble hearts and sharpened consciences. People who realise their highest calling is to honour truth and fairness above all else. People who will protect the Constitution even if it means pierced hands for them personally. And for our new President why don’t we pray that it will be a moment of great grace for him – praying God’s gift of new life to come in him and through him! Alan
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