Sunday, 27th December 2009

Dear Friends,                                                                                                                                


A special welcome to Rodger Florist who will be sharing God’s word with us this morning.  Trust you are among family Rodger!  May God give you words to draw us to drink from the fountain of God’s faithfulness today.


Just two days ago we celebrated Christmas.  We were reminded that is about Jesus.  And Jesus is about the utterly-loving-Creator-God’s desperate desire for all of creation to know that we are all utterly loved.  We reflected on Edwin Markham’s poem: Outwitted suggesting that Christmas is God’s outwitting move drawing us in…


He drew a circle that shut me out—

Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout,

But love and I had the wit to win:

We drew a circle that took him in. 


Now on the other side of Christmas, but still bursting in its glow, we are challenged to do as God has done to us.  As God has expanded the circle of God’s love to include us we are invited to do the same towards others.  I invite you to think of just one person or group of people who in all honesty we have yet to include in the circle of our love.  Lets write down their name………………………………. and begin to pray that God will help us stretch the circle of our love to include them.  With love, Alan.