Sunday, 22nd August 2010


Dear Friends                                                                                            


I will be facilitating Diversity Engagement next weekend—and I hope you will join me.  There is room for 15 people.  Today may be the last opportunity for you do register—please speak to Sharon at the information table at the back of the Sanctuary.


Diversity Engagement is an amazing personal growth opportunity that really does hold out the real potential to heal relationships and transform this country.  Diversity Engagement provides a respectful and safe space for each participant to uncover and explore our own tendencies to stereotype and prejudice others because of the colour of their skin, gender identity, age, nationality, sexual orientation or religion etc.   The weekend gives us an opportunity to wrestle with our own internalised identity.   To be sure this is emotionally stretching but also hugely liberating—again not just for us as individuals but for our nation.


My hope is that every person of CMM will attend Diversity Engagement at some point—this can only contribute to the healing and growth of our community.  It would be wonderful to be able to train others to facilitate Diversity Engagement as well as to offer this relationship healing tool to organisations, businesses, schools etc. in the area.  More often than not we are taught to fear difference.  In Diversity Engagement we learn how to “do difference differently”…. Please join me next weekend.  Alan