Sunday 10th July 2011

Our lives are forever in flux and we find ourselves constantly entering         different seasons. It is with tremendous sadness that we travel into a winter season… a time to say goodbye to a dear and precious friend, a talented    musician, and an energetic servant of Christ…. Mike Spann.


Time to Say Goodbye


Funny how time flies, we meet in a blink, we say goodbye.

Time would have flown away.


When seconds become minutes, minutes become hours and the dark hour passes by.

To signal the break of a new dawn. Time would be moving.


When days become weeks, weeks become months and new leaves bloom.

They signal the beginning of Spring. Time would be approaching.


When months become seasons, seasons become years, and flowers become fruits.

They signal the arrival of Summer. Time would be nearing.


When seasons fly past and trees dry again. They signal the arrival of Winter.

Time would have come. A time to say goodbye.


By Sandy Whitfield-Carter



May we draw nearer to our Lord as we discover the fruitfulness of Summer.

May we reap the rewards of time spent with God during harvest in Autumn.

May we courageously journey through the tough pruning stages of Winter.

May we all be inspired to seek out the youthful energy of Spring, as Mike did.

Blessings in Christ.        Beulah