Sainthood 101

During All Saints Sunday last week we reflected on Naomi in the book of Ruth. From her life we drew out the qualities of a Saint.

  • Saints are not spared from suffering. Instead they allow suffering to enlarge them.
  • Saints are open to meet and engage with their enemy.
  • Saints grieve (they value the preciousness of life).
  • Saints welcome foreigners as family.
  • Saints cry – they feel.
  • Saints feel the pain of others as if it were their own pain.
  • Saints respect the free choice of others – especially when it comes to matters of the heart.
  • Saints have the capacity to bless others even when their own life feels like it has been cursed.
  • Saints set others free.
  • Saints trust testimonies of God’s nourishing goodness even if they have run out of such experiences themselves.
  • Saints wrestle with God and tell God what for.
  • Saints are alive to God-lines in people, even if they don’t experience God’s presence and power in their life.
  • Saints stay in solidarity with the suffering.
  • Saints trust enough to start over often.

Continuing the fill the “spaces in-between”

The planting of our garden on Longmarket Street was a great success – the plants continue to flourish and generate discussion. Now we would like to do the same to the area behind the railings on Burg Street as well as the area around the main entrance.

Let us know if you wish to become involved in this next exciting phase of filling the in-between spaces around our sanctuary.

Peace, Alan