Dear Friends,
A special welcome to Rev Yvette Moses who will be sharing God’s “ear tingling” word with us today [1 Sam 3:11]. Yvette comes on behalf of the Bishop to “induct” me into this community. According to the dictionary to induct means to “formally introduce”.
But that is not all. The dictionary goes on to say that induction can also refer to the “bringing on by artificial means the induction of labour”. In other words to help start the birthing moment. This for me is a far more accurate description of what Yvette is doing here today. She has come to bring on our labour by art-full means. And you didn’t even know you were pregnant did you! Well, we are pregnant. By the Holy Spirit we have conceived. Now God’s dream, revealed to us in the world-healing life of Jesus, awaits to be born. This is our only task—nothing else really matters. We should be feeling awe-fully excited.
Labour is painful and messy. Moans and screams fill the air. We may even feel like we are dying, yet if we continue to breathe and refuse to let go of the hands of those around us we will be given the gift of NEW LIFE and so will the world around us. Let us commit today to refuse to let go of each other’s hands for the sake of God’s dream.
With awe-full excitement, The Good German movie full