Ministries & Outreach

Alcoholics Anonymous & Narcotics Anonymous

NA meets Monday to Thursday between 13:00 and 14:00 in the Ubuntu Room and AA meets each Friday at the same time, also in the Ubuntu Room. Central Methodist Mission is privileged to offer sanctuary to those struggling with substance abuse.

Sunday Lunch

The first record of caring for the city’s people in need dates back to the global depression that started in 1929. This ministry in its current form was started in May 1975 when food was provided for 11 destitute people. The numbers have grown over the years and a dedicated group of congregation members serve a home cooked meal to at least 250 people after each Sunday Worship Service. This food, donated by the church and its members, is welcomed by the many people who would possibly not have anything else to eat on a Sunday as no other organisation offers food to the street living people of our city on this day.

Heatherdale Children's Home

Each year CMM supports the children of Heatherdale’s Children Home when we raise substantial funds at their annual fête in October towards the running of this home for children who are at risk due to the multiple socio-economic challenges they and their families face on a daily basis.

Kensington Old Age Home

Twice a year since 2007 the Women’s Fellowship joins in an afternoon of fun and song with the aged residents of Kensington Old Age Home. Donovan Forbes, Ruth Cookson and Leon Dreyer lead the singing of hymns or Christmas carols, while the Women’s Fellowship provides the snacks and tea. Zelda Cullum, Chairperson of the Women’s Fellowship says: ‘We are always amazed at how little it takes to bring some joy into the lives these senior citizens and feel incredibly blessed that we had the opportunity to do so.’

Open Doors

Our church’s doors are open every day and welcome the public from Monday to Friday between 10:00 and 15:00 and on a Saturday between 10:00 and 13:00. This ministry offers sanctuary to those who may need a time of reflection or prayer. Each week at least 300 tourists are offered a glimpse into the history of the congregation and the building through the various historical displays.

Stop Hunger Now

More than one billion people do not have enough to eat. 10.9 million children under the age of five (one every six seconds) die each year from a hunger-related cause. Stop Hunger Now (, an international relief organisation established in 1998, co-ordinates the distribution of food and other life-saving aid globally. It is through their programme and because of their vision to eradicate hunger in our lifetime that Central Methodist Mission is able to supply nutritious meal packets (with a shelf life of one year) containing a balanced combination of rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables and a flavouring mix that includes 21 essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, the food is easily assembled on our premises, stored and transported to areas in crisis or given to those within our community who are in need of food. Visitors, tourists and congregation members are encouraged to sponsor food packets by making a monetary donation at the Information Desk.

In addition to the food parcels, we also distribute money boxes – each R2.00 collected in this manner sponsors one meal. Request your money box and further information about the programme at the Information Desk and help make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.

Women's Fellowship

This group was started in July 2007 when a need was expressed by some of the congregation’s women to become more empowered and to grow spiritually. Prayer and education, reaching out to the aged and ill, children in need and general service to the wider community have become some of the areas on which the group focuses.  Other activities include inviting speakers to address (and train where appropriate) the group on relevant social issues, outreach endeavours, fund raising for various events, including the restoration of our buildings. Meetings take place on the second Saturday of each month in the John Flack Hall at 46 Church Street.

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